
Frank Baker – Scratchbuilding Wooden Structures
This clinic provides an overview of how the presenter builds wooden structures. more

Dave Dye – Slim Gauge Ghosts of Arizona: 
Modern views of sites along the former Morenci Southern Railway grade mixed with supporting aerial map details. The United Verde & Pacific and NG Magma Arizona will also be covered as time permits.

Bob Farmer – The Rescue and Restoration of C&S 1008

This clinic describes the ongoing project [click for more]

…….by two enthusiasts to bring C&S 1008 bobber caboose back to operating life. First, the presentation will cover some background on the history of this caboose, and its long and somewhat mysterious path after being retired by the railroad in 1942. The story of how this survivor was found and saved started the restoration project. The presentation covers the extensive woodwork being done to rebuild the frame, walls, and cabinetry (most of the latter was found intact!). Only a handful of metal parts were left on the stripped-down caboose, so obtaining and recreating the period-correct components is a big part of the story.

Travis Handschug –
Modeling Desert Scenery:
Techniques to create hyper-realistic desert scenery, including rock formations, multi-armed saguaros, prickly pears, and other desert vegetation.

Dale Kreutzer –
Photo Backdrops – Creating Custom Backdrops

Ever think of doing your own photo backdrop? [Click for more]

Dale will present a clinic on what he has learned creating his own backdrops. He will discuss planning the backdrop scene, preparing for your field trip, camera equipment he has used, preparing the backdrop image, printing, and installing the backdrop. The photo is an example of the results – leaving Mancos!

Monte Pearson – It’s All in the Color / Realistic Rocks: 

A “hand on” demonstration clinic covering a number of techniques relating to coloring plaster castings to match he rocks of one’s modeling area. [click for more]

As Modelers details are a major part of the hobby. For example: number of nut-bolt-washers, Nail holes, Color or even what color was it, Weathered wood, Rusted metal, and etc. Geology can be modeled at the same level of detail and intensity. If Track Side Geology and its detail are to be modeled, then an understand of some Geology, weathering, plus coloring. Understanding rock stratigraphy, structural or tectonic modifications, rock coloring, and most of all how rocks/minerals weather. This will add complexity to weathering detailing the rock casting construction on the layouts world we are trying to create or duplicate. Rock world photos and those of the plaster casting world will be used to provide examples, generate or illustrate the concept.
Pan Pastels, Craft paint are used to color plus add weather effects to the rock castings.
Yes, all of this will be related to the “3 Foot Rule”.
Southern Colorado will be the test bed for this Clinic.

Jim “Doc” Shafer – 
One Man’s Experience with Dead Rail in HOn3, HO and On30: 
The talk will cover several commercial battery-powered systems and show how the components are installed in typical locomotives. 

Don Stewart Making Plastic Look Like Wood
This clinic will cover several techniques developed by the presenter to make plastic wood surfaces on models, such as lumber loads, flat car decks, and building siding, look like actual wood.  Typically, the finished surfaces would replicate unpainted wood with varying degrees of fading and weathering, created using different stains and application methods. 

Have a clinic for us to consider? Leave a message here!